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Community Partners & Fundraising 

Napalese Lounge and Grille is dedicated to giving back to our community. Besides providing space for local queer performers, artists, and musicians, we also give back through community fundraisers! We are proud to make a difference in our community and be a space for such amazing community fundraising!

Community Partners

LGBTQ+ History 

Napalese Lounge and Grille has, and is, partnering with some amazing local organizations. We have supported Our Voices: LGBTQ Stories of Northeastern Wisconsin by donating items, hosting events, and more. In October, we hosted our first photo identification event with the UW-Green Bay Archives team. This event was aimed at identifying old photos of events, places, performers, and more. These photos are a vital piece to telling the story of LGBTQ+ folk in Northeastern Wisconsin.


 This project is the only LGBTQ+ historical archive in northeastern Wisconsin and is led by the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. They collect photos, items, memorabilia, and more for the archives. If you have items you think they would be interested in, please contact Deb Anderson in the archives department. Telling our stories and preserving our history is incredibly important and we are thrilled to support this endeavor!



Giveadaam Ventures


Recently, we have partnered with Givadaam Ventures, a local, queer-owned organization that is working towards building sustainable and affordable living in Green Bay. We have joined forces with them for their can-paign. Every single can that is used at Napalese is collected by Giveadaam Ventures. 50% of the money from the cans goes to the NEW Community Shelter and the other 50% goes towards supporting Giveadaam Ventures! 


Now your recycling can go towards building a better future for Green Bay! All you have to do is bring your cans to Napalese and drop them in the bin outside the back door. Every single can that is recycled by Napalese (and you) is collected by Giveadaam Ventures. All the pull-tabs from the cans go to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Wisconsin. Once the cans are turned in, 50% of the money goes to the NEW Community Shelter. The other 50% goes towards supporting Giveadaam Venture's fight for affordable and green housing in Green Bay! 

Past Fundraisers

Past Fundraisers

Vivent Health

We held a month-long fundraiser for Vivent Health (formerly the AIDs Resource Center of Wisconsin). Our community donated coats, hygiene items, and nonperishable food items.


The staff at Vivent was shocked by the generosity of our community and extremely grateful. These items will provide assistance to those in Vivent Health's programming. We cannot thank all of our friends and family at Napalese enough for supporting this effort!

Chilli Cook-Off for Charity!

We came together to raise over $700 dollars during our Chili Cook-Off for Charity! Thank you to all of our contestants who made delicious chili and to everyone who supported this fundraiser! 

Napalese Chili Cook-Off for Charity.JPEG
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Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary

We are excited to announce that our most recent fundraiser for Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary raised over $1,100! This Sanctuary takes in over 800 cats a year, and all of their cats have a physical or emotional disability. 


Thanks to the generosity of our community, the sanctuary also received an entire carload of physical donations! Each performer donated their tips and time to the fundraiser. 


We want to extend our deepest thanks to those who donated, the performers who made the show amazing, and Miss Napalese Tammi Truckstop for hosting!


Misfit Mutts

We were SO excited for our Snowflake Fundraiser that benefited Misfit Mutts! All of you showed your hearts for these Mutts. We were so inspired by your gifts that we decided to match the monetary donations to this fundraiser! 


Misfit Mutts Dog Rescue is a completely foster and volunteer-run nonprofit organization based out of Green Bay, WI. They rely on their relationship with our community to fuel their mission of alleviating overcrowded animal shelters in the southern regions of our country.


Learn more about Misfit Mutts!

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Vivent Health

Over $1,200 was raised for the Aids Resource Center of Wisconsin (now Vivent Health). This fundraiser helped provide different nonperishable products such as canned goods, blankets, and hygiene products to those in our community who needed them most!


A special note from Vivent: "Thank you so very much to everyone involved with the Napalese fundraiser for the ARCW Pantry! You've filled not only the pantry shelves but the hearts of those who use and staff the pantry! We couldn't do what we do without community support - thank you!" 

St. Baldricks Foundation

We came together to raise over $700 dollars for the St. Baldricks Foundation to fight childhood cancer! A big thanks to the organizer Dillon, all the performers who donated their tips, and all the wonderful patrons who donated!


1351 Cedar St. 

Green Bay, WI 54302


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